Current Issue

Feb 7, 2023

The Open Access Advantage

Publishing open access has definite benefits. Open access papers often gain the following when compared to subscription articles published by JASS@stem: Open access articles typically had a threefold increase in downloads. Open access articles often received 50% more citations. Open access papers produced over three times as much Altmetric interest on average. The positive effects open access can have on usage, citations, and Altmetric attention are demonstrated by our research. You may be sure that your work will have the highest opportunity of being read, cited, and widely shared by publishing open access.

Our study concentrated on three metrics: usage (defined here by full-text downloads), citations (we utilized Dimensions citations here), and Altmetric Attention Scores, which are those that authors have indicated are significant to them. A thorough analysis of JASS@stem journal articles published between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2021, provided important insights.

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