Current Issue

Sep 26, 2024

Author Guidelines

Types of Content


Research Articles that reveal novel discoveries in the field of life science and technology research, as described in the journal’s overview. Research Articles may be as long as they want to be under 4000 words, but there is no maximum length. As needed, the document should be organized into sections and then subsections. The following sections should be included in research articles: Abstract – A quick description of the paper’s contents that includes the main conclusions and the issue it seeks to answer is called an abstract. Introduction – Present the issue at hand and give the underlying knowledge required to place the study in a larger context in the introduction. Materials and Methods – Provide enough information in this section, along with the specified references, to enable replication of the experiments reported. Results and Discussion – This section presents the study’s findings, with subheadings to better direct the reader. Conclusions – The paper’s primary conclusions and accomplishments should be summarized in the conclusions, but they shouldn’t be repeated from the abstract. Data Availability Statement – Statement of Data Availability is found under DATA SHARING in the section on How to Submit. Acknowledgements Conflict of Interest Statement – in the event that there are no conflicts of interest, please specify this in the conflict of interest statement. *The commentary should be in-depth, mention pertinent sources, and describe the differences between the submitted work and what has already been published on the topic in both quantitative and detailed terms. If novel materials are given, the discussion should compare such materials’ qualities and/or performance to past research.


Reviews give a fair overview of recent advancements in topics of JASS@stem readers’ interest. Reviews are normally submitted with the Editor-in-permission, Chief’s although they may also be submitted voluntarily through the online submission system. Reviews:
  • are normally between 3,500 and 4,000 words long and should have a compelling beginning outlining the motivations for the reader’s interest in the topic.
  • outlines the fundamental ideas
  • outlines the intended roadmap should emphasize key passages from recent literature, mainly those written in the five years preceding to publication, to illustrate specific facets of the area.
  • should only contain carefully chosen citations that are impartial toward various research groups.
  • should provide a perspective on future needs, goals, and trends in the conclusion.
  • may reproduce significant illustrations from the cited works; nevertheless, if an illustration is used, the original publisher must be contacted for permission before use.
  • There is no restriction on the number of figures and/or tables for research articles or reviews, but the overall number should be kept to a minimum to only include those that are required for the work’s correct presentation. Figures and tables may be included at the Editor-in-Chief’s discretion.
Manuscript Preparation

Text, software, and formats for manuscripts

The submission site for all manuscripts is
  • Initial submission: The editorial office of JASS@stem permits articles to be submitted as a single Word or pdf file, with figures incorporated in the text or all at the conclusion of the text in numerical order. This makes submission simpler and more comfortable for authors.
  • Revised manuscripts: Please submit revised manuscripts in.doc or.rtf format. If possible, please supply native figure files single final format at this stage in order to speed up production in the event that your submission is accepted.
  • TeX/LaTeX: TeX/LaTeX users should adhere to the instructions in the How to Submit section.
  • Footnotes are necessary for all tables and figures.


Text files should be created and submitted in.doc or.rtf format. Instead of being visuals, tables may be integrated in the manuscript in an editable format.
Tables can also be exported individually in an editable format with the label “Table.”
  • Each piece of information needs to go into its own table cell.
  • In accordance with the sequence in which they are referenced in the text, each table must be given an Arabic number (Table 1, for instance).
  • There must be a brief title for each table that sums up its contents.
  • There should be an explanation header for each table column.
  • If there are any notes inside the tables, they should be indicated with a series of lowercase, superscripted letters.
  • It’s best to avoid repeating data in tables and figures.
  • Without mentioning the manuscript text, data should be presented in tables in a comprehensible manner.


In the order they are cited in the manuscript, number them consecutively. The figure number should be prominently displayed in figure files. There must be a figure legend for each figure. The list of figure legends should be placed at the end of the main text.
*You must follow the guidelines below to guarantee the highest quality of the figures in the final published version of your manuscript:
  • send documents in.TIFF or. PS format.
  • Vector-based graphics must be sent in EPS format, such as those produced in Adobe Illustrator.
  • TIFF files must be sent with the following minimum resolutions to guarantee the best print quality:
  • Black and white line art should be 600 dpi (dots per inch) (simple bar graphs, charts, etc.)
  • For halftones, 300 dpi (black and white photographs)
  • For combination halftones, 600 dpi (photographs that also contain line art such as labelling or thin lines).
  • Do not send color figures as RGB; they must be submitted in CMYK color space.
*Factors to keep in mind while preparing figures:
  • The figures for line drawings (graphs, etc.) must be drawn legibly in black ink;
  • When the figure is scaled down for publishing, the lines should be thick enough to be seen clearly.
  • When graphs and figures are lowered for publishing, the text should still be large enough to be readily seen.
  • wherever possible, use sans serif fonts (like Arial).
  • stereo pictures must specify the required ultimate size.
  • Labels for figures with several panels should be written in bracketed lower case letters, such as (a), (b), etc.
  • Images should be accessible-optimized.
  • captions should adequately describe images for screen readers and other assistive tools to use.
  • When using color, make sure your photographs have strong contrast and stay away from unfavorable color combinations like green and red. Yellow/blue, red/cyan, and green/magenta are viable substitutes.
  • When possible, use diverse shapes, placements, and lines, as well as monochrome figures, to express information.


It is crucial to outline all necessary safeguards against potential safety or environmental risks.
All commercially obtained materials require a list of their sources. For every known drug, appropriate references (to both the synthesis and characterization) must be given. It is important to record any changes to these procedures. All new materials should be prepared according to detailed instructions. This explanation must be precise while still being brief in order to unmistakably direct others who may repeat the work. In all processes, the amounts of the reactants and solvents should be enclosed in parentheses, such as CHBr3 (126 mg, 0.5 mmol) in DMSO (10 mL).
The identification and purity of new chemicals and materials must be sufficiently supported by proof. This should include carbon and hydrogen elemental analyses for non-polymeric materials. The allowed margin of error for each element’s analysis is 0.4%. A listing of the high-resolution mass spectrometric molecular weight and predicted molecular weight may be used as substitute proof of purity if a molecule is unstable. In some instances, a suitable measure of purity can be obtained via distillation, followed by gas chromatography, column chromatography, HPLC, or gel electrophoresis.
Completely assigned response For all new compounds containing hydrogen and carbon, 1H NMR and 13C NMR data should be provided, unless a macromolecule’s structure prevents it due to solubility.


JASS@stem highly promotes the authentication of cell lines used in the study that is submitted to the journal in order to guarantee the highest standards of quality and accuracy. The following statements must be included in the Methods section of all articles accepted after the first of February 2020 that involve cell line research:
  • where the cells came from
  • Whether or not the cell lines have been evaluated and verified
  • The procedure used to test the cells
Re-authentication is not necessary if cells were obtained directly from a cell bank that conducts cell line characterization and passaged in the user’s laboratory for less than six months after receipt or resuscitation. In these situations, kindly mention the cell bank’s characterization approach. Authors must give proof of the cell lines’ provenance and identity if they were received from a different source. The easiest way to do this is by DNA (STR) profiling. In the event of a novel cell line, the DNA profile should be cross-checked with the DNA profile of the donor tissue or with the DNA profile of other continuous cell lines.


  • Physical quantity symbols need to be suitably italicized (e.g., Eafor activation energy).
  • Italicizing symbols for units of measurement is not appropriate (e.g., J for joule).
  • Data should be quoted using negative exponents and decimal points rather than commas (e.g., 47.6 J K–1mol–1).
  • Following is a format for reporting analytical data: ield: 92%. Purity (HPLC): >99%. Rf: 0.57 (SiO2 , hexanes/CH2Cl2, 1:1). mp/bp: 107.0 °C (lit. mp/bp 107.5 °C). [α]20D: 15.2 (c = 1.00, CHCl3). 1H NMR (500 MHz, CDCl3, δ, ppm): 0.97 (t, J = 7.3 Hz, 3H), 1.54 (sextet, J = 7.3 Hz, 2H), 2.76 (dt, J1 = 11.2 Hz, J2 = 7.4 Hz, 2H), 2.88 (dt, J1 = 11.2 Hz, J2 = 7.4 Hz, 2H), 4.14 (br s, 2H), 4.22 (br s, 2H), 7.80 (s, 2H). 13C NMR (125 MHz, DMSO-d6, δ, ppm): 52.00 (CO2CH3), 105.79 (2′ ArC), 125.92 (2 ArC), 127.24, 129.08, 129.72 (3 ArC), 134.04, 145.22, 146.55, 166.13 (CO2CH3). IR (KBr, thin film, cm–1): 3478 and 3379 (N–H), 1607 (C=C). UV–vis (hexanes) λmax, nm (ε): 240 (1080). HRMS (m/z): calcd for C316H480O32, 4787.59; found, 5808.63 [M + H]+. Anal. calcd for C15H11Br4NO2S: C, 30.59; H, 1.88; N, 2.38. Found: C, 30.77; H, 1.96; N, 2.40.
(These numbers are entirely fictitious and are only provided as an example.)


While some image processing is normal and occasionally unavoidable, photographs submitted for publication should only undergo minimal editing, and any changes made to the original raw data should be disclosed in full and with sufficient detail. Images supplied must accurately depict the original data, and authors are required to supply unprocessed and raw data upon request from the editors in order to facilitate the reviewing process.
The experimental section, the supporting information, or the figure legends should all include a complete description of the image processing. This should cover the tools utilized, as well as the preferences and techniques employed during manipulations. Both the controls and the entire image should be processed equally. It is not advisable to use processing that hides data or highlights some areas at the expense of others. False-color and nonlinear corrections, including gamma correction, deconvolution, filtering, thresholding, and projection, must be explicitly stated when utilized in the publication.
For the purpose of clarity and conciseness, cropped photos of gels and blots may be used occasionally. The whole gels and blots should be included in the supporting information along with a detailed explanation of any alterations. Where these were cropped, a distinct line separating the various gels should be seen, and all significant bands should remain in the image.
Every document will have a visual entry for the contents. An accompanying caption is NOT needed. About 5 x 5 cm are how they seem online. We recommend a full-color illustration; the illustration might be created especially for the table of contents and is intended to reflect the overall significance of the work in order to draw readers’ attention.

Text, graphs, and many panels should be avoided because they do not replicate well. Before submitting your photograph, please check it out on a 5 by 5 centimeter screen.

  • All references shall be numbered consecutively in the document in the order in which they appear.
  • Only one publication per number should be listed.
  • Any punctuation mark other than a dash should be followed by a reference number in superscript: number like this.
  • If a number only pertains to the subject matter enclosed in parentheses, it is enclosed in a closing parenthesis: (number like this1).
  • Reference numbers shouldn’t be used in text headings.
The American Chemical Society (ACS) style of references should be used by authors. The table contains examples.
SourceCitation Example
Journal1. J. H. Burroughes, D. D. C. Bradley, A. R. Brown, R. N. Marks, K. Mackay, R. H. Friend, P. L. Burn, A. B. Holmes, Nature 1990, 347, 539.
Book2. R. McWeeny, Coulson’s Valence, 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford 1979.
Edited Book3. A. Smart, in The Chemistry of Metal CVD (Eds: T. Kodas, M. Hampden-Smith), VCH, Weinheim, Germany 1994, Ch. 5.
Proceedings4. Abbrev. Proc. Title (Eds: A. B. Editor1, C. D. Editor2), Publisher, Location Year of publication. *Note that in the proceedings title, only words such as Conference (Conf.), International (Int.), or Symposium (Symp.) are abbreviated. The subject of the meeting itself is not abbreviated. *May not be the year the conference was held.
Paper in Proceedings Volume5. A. B. Author1, C. D. Author2, E. F. Author3, G. H. Author4, in Abbrev. Proc. Title (Eds: I. J. Editor1, K. L. Editor2), Publisher, Location Year of publication, page no. *The page number is optional.
Papers Presented at Conferences (unpublished proceedings)6. A. B. Author1, presented at Abbrev. Conf. Title, Location of conference, Month, Year of conference.
Thesis7. A. B. Author, Degree Thesis, University (Location) Year.
Patent8. A. B. Author1, A. B. Author2 (Company), Country Patent number, Year. *If a patent is consigned to a company, the company name may be included in parentheses after the names of the authors, but it is optional. Rather than a country, the patent may be a world patent or a European (Eur.) patent.
8. A. B. Author1, A. B. Author2 (Company), Country Patent number, Year. *If a patent is consigned to a company, the company name may be included in parentheses after the names of the authors, but it is optional. Rather than a country, the patent may be a world patent or a European (Eur.) patent.9. Advanced Materials homepage, (accessed: July 2007).
Unpublished Work10. A. B. Author1, C. D. Author2, E. F. Author3, unpublished *Work submitted for publication: If a reference is described as ‘submitted’, this should be changed to ‘unpublished’.
Work Accepted for Publication11. A. B. Author1, C. D. Author2, E. F. Author3, Abbrev. Journal Title, Year, DOI: XXXXXXXXXX. *If a reference is described as ‘accepted’, query the author for a journal title, year, and DOI. If a reference has only a DOI listed, query the author to find out if an update is possible.
Personal Communication12. A. B. Author1, personal communication (Year). *The year is optional


JASS@stem complies with Publication Ethics’ ethical standards (COPE). Authors should specifically avoid submitting publications that contain results that have already been published, plagiarism, fabricated results, or purposeful reference omissions.

Authors must declare any relevant manuscripts that are now being read, accepted, or in press elsewhere. They must also describe how they relate to the manuscript they have submitted, provide copies, preferably at submission but always upon request.

It is not advisable for authors to submit articles about the same research to different journals. Additionally, researchers should not be purposefully split out into several manuscripts when a single report would be more appropriate.

Losing the ability to publish in the journal may be the result of breaking these rules.


According to standard JASS@stem procedures as detailed in our best practices guide, any claimed infringement of any of the standards of scientific publication ethics as established by the Committee on Publication Ethics will be investigated confidentially.

The Editor-in-Chief will ask the authors for a formal justification if the infractions are judged to be significant enough. The manuscript will either be rejected or retracted, depending on its current status, if the authors don’t offer an explanation or the explanation is insufficient such that the journal’s Editorial Team determines that the evidence unmistakably demonstrates a violation of our publishing ethics policy has taken place.

In such circumstances, the Editor-in-Chief reserves the authority to take severe measures, such as a restriction on publishing in the journal, as well as to notify the authors’ institution of the violation of the journal’s scientific ethics code. If it is determined that authors have broken any of the fundamental guidelines for ethical scientific behavior, the aforementioned course of action will likewise be put into effect.


Authorship credit should be given depending on:

  • Significant input into the research design.
  • The gathering, analyzing, or interpreting of data, writing or critically editing the paper.
  • Approval of the final version as submitted.

All three requirements should be met by authors. The acknowledgement section should include a list of all contributions, even if they don’t all match the requirements for authorship. We ask that a succinct but comprehensive statement outlining the contributions of each named author be added to the article after the conclusion and before the references in order to ensure that proper authorship credit is given to all contributors.

The corresponding author is in charge of getting in touch with all other writers and securing their consent before the final draft is released. JASS@stem will never permit changes in authorship (additions or removals) after acceptance of an article due to the fact that editors are typically unable to assess the validity of claims of contested authorship. After acceptance, writers may rearrange their names in the list, with editorial permission. Please be aware that, in accordance with COPE rules, retractions on issues of disputed authorship are not permitted if the data in the manuscript are reliable.


Authors must certify that the submitted material is their own creation and that seeking publication has not violated any copyright.


The submitted work should not have already been published in its entirety or be under consideration for publication elsewhere, according to the authors. Full publication will not be jeopardized by the release of abstracts and presentations at scientific gatherings.


It is recommended to adhere to the ARRIVE criteria for thorough reporting of animal experiments. Such manuscripts must specify that authorization was acquired from the appropriate national or local authorities either in the Experimental Section or in a separate Ethical Statement. The accreditation number of the laboratory or the investigator, as appropriate, must be provided, together with the names of the institutional committees that have approved the research. It must also be made explicit in the publication if there are no such laws or permissions in effect in the nation where the study or tests were conducted.


An explanation of the proper Institutional Review Board (IRB)/Ethical Committee approval must be included in any publications that use human subjects in experiments (including testing wearable sensors) or tissue samples (including blood or sweat) from human subjects. All subjects participating in the study must give their informed consent, and a statement confirming this must also be included. It is necessary to obtain confirmation that the study complies with accepted criteria like the Declaration of Helsinki.

Authors should, respectively, refer to the pertinent CONSORT statement, REMARK, or BRISQ recommendations for describing human biospecimens, phase II and phase III clinical trials, tumor marker investigations, and reporting on such studies. Prior to the beginning of patient enrollment, prospective clinical trials must be registered in (or a comparable public repository that satisfies the requirements outlined by ICMJE). It is required to provide trial registration numbers in the document.


JASS@stem demands that all authors disclose any potential sources of conflict of interest. Any financial or non-financial interest or connection that could be seen as impairing an author’s neutrality is seen as a potential source of conflict of interest. When they are directly pertinent to or connected to the work that the authors describe in their manuscript, they must be disclosed. Ownership of a patent or shares, membership on the board of directors of a firm, service on an advisory board or committee for a corporation, consulting for or receiving lecture fees from a company are all examples of potential sources of conflict of interest. A conflict of interest need not exist for publication to take place.

So as a result:

  • Authors are required to disclose any financial conflicts of interest in any organization or firm that might profit from their publishing.
  • Authors must declare any potential conflicts of interest at the time of submission
  • It is the corresponding author’s duty to discuss this policy with all other authors and, collectively, to declare ALL relevant business and other affiliations with the submission.
  • Executive editors and members of the Advisory Board for JASS@stem must disclose their relationships with the publication starting in April 2021 in the Conflict of Interest declaration.

The main text file should contain the Conflict of Interest declaration.

The JASS@stem online manuscript submission website, located at, should be used to submit all manuscripts. Do not send in hard copies, thank you.
Basic information:
  • A technique for detecting plagiarism is used by JASS@stem. You agree that your manuscript may be checked for plagiarism against previously published works by submitting it to this publication.
  • The primary text, tables, and figures can all be included in a single document for initial submissions of new manuscripts (submitted via, or the figures and tables can be provided as separate files.
  • Figures and tables must be submitted as separate files via if your manuscript is in the revision stage.
  • For the Editors’ consideration, authors can submit the name, organization, and email address of up to three possible unbiased reviewers.
Submissions in LaTex:
  • LaTeX v7.4.5 and earlier are supported by ScholarOne Manuscripts.
  • The “Primary Document” designation should always be used, and the file with the “.tex” extension should contain the main text of the TeX/LaTeX document.


JASS@stem anticipates that the data used to support the findings in the research will be saved in a suitable public source. To express the presence or absence of shared data, authors must include a data availability statement. JASS@stem Author Services has sample data availability declarations. When sharing data, authors must cite the data they provided and include the applicable data ID and a link to the repository they utilized in their data availability statement. The scripts and other artifacts used to construct the analyses provided in the publication should, whenever possible, also be made available for public viewing. Authors are not required to divulge data if doing so would violate moral or legal obligations.
Authors are requested to provide information from the following genetic and protein databases in their manuscripts as part of this:
  • Cambridge Structural Database
  • The Genome Database (GDB)
  • Protein Databank (PDB)
  • Genbank
  • Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)
  • Molecular Modeling Database (MMDB)
  • Nucleic Acid Databank
  • Entrez Genomes
  • Entrez Proteins
  • European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
It is the duty of the author(s) to make sure that the data presented is accurate and current. The publisher won’t update the database with new data (s).
Peer Review
According to the pilot being conducted by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) Working Group on Peer Review Vocabulary, a number of JASS@stem publications have started to standardize the terminology for peer review. The peer review process for articles and journals can be made more visible by standardizing the language used to describe these procedures across journals and publishers. As a result, it will make it possible for the community to evaluate and compare peer review procedures across various journals. The pre-print outlining the initiative has more details.
Identity transparency: Single anonymised
Reviewer interacts with: Editor
Review information published: None
The peer review process is single-anonymized; while editors and reviewers are aware of the authors, the authors are not made aware of the identity of the reviewers. You can access JASS@stem review process confidentially policy through Author Services.
The in-house Associate Editor or Editor-in-Chief evaluates submissions immediately. A primary research article must present some novel results that are sufficiently discussed to be placed in the context of the existing literature and demonstrate the advancement over prior research in the field in order to be eligible for external review. The content of the article must also fall within the journal’s scope. No consideration is given to incremental research, work that might have been included in an earlier study, or results that have already been published.
The Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editor then selects two to three impartial reviewers. The Editor will next decide based on the reports received whether to accept, reject, or ask for amendments for the papers. The amended manuscripts are often sent to at least one of the prior reviewers for external evaluation again if significant adjustments and/or more data are necessary. The editor can advise submitting a revised draft of the paper at a later time if significant extra work is required. In every situation, a thorough, point-by-point response to the issues raised by the reviewer(s) should be included with the resubmission. The Editor in charge of the peer review procedure makes the final choice.
Sometimes, following the initial evaluation, the paper is given to one of the Executive Editors, who then selects two to three impartial reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief decides whether to accept, reject, or request adjustments when the Executive Editor makes a recommendation after receiving reports. The Editor-in-Chief makes the choice in these situations.


If the Editor feels that a decision was rendered incorrectly due to flawed evidence that was accessible at the time of the decision, the judgement may be overturned on appeal. This might involve prejudice that was previously unnoticed or clearly discernible factual inaccuracies in the reviewer(s)’ reports, among other things. If an appeal is granted, either one of the original reviewers or a new appeal reviewer will get the manuscript. In every instance, a detailed answer to each reviewer’s critique should be given. Editorial judgments, or those made without outside peer review, can only be revisited if new details are presented that weren’t evident from the submission’s text and cover letter. The Editor makes the final determination regarding an appeal.
Open Access
Authors may choose open access publication if their funding organization requires grantees to archive the final version of their article or if they intend to make their paper available to readers who are not subscribers upon publication. With this choice, a fee is paid to guarantee that the article will be put in the funding agency’s selected archive and made available to non-subscribers via JASS@stem Online Library upon publication.
For further information, please contact JASS@stem Author Services. Your funder or institution may have a contract with JASS@stem for the payment of article publication fees.
  • Any authors who want to make their paper open access must follow the instructions on the Author Services website’s How to Order Open Access page.
  • You will have the option to publish your paper under a CC-BY license, helping you to comply with US & UK regulations, if you choose the open access option and your research is sponsored by the Wellcome Trust or members of the Research Councils UK (RCUK).
  • If you do not want to, you are not required to let the Editorial Office know before acceptance that your manuscript will be published open access. The same standards for treating other papers apply to all open access articles. They go through the standard peer-review procedure for the journal and are accepted or rejected according to their own merit.
For NIH Grantees Only
In accordance with a National Institute of Health (NIH) obligation, JASS@stem publication expected to upload the approved version of any contributions written by recipients of NIH grants to PubMed Central as soon as they are accepted. 12 months after publication, the accepted edition will be made available to the public.
Additional Information


eLocators are now used by JASS@stem. The same purpose that page numbers have traditionally served in the print world is supplied by eLocators, which are distinctive identifiers for an article. Please substitute the eLocator for the page number when citing an article from this publication. Please click here to access the Author Services eLocator website for further information.


Publication in JASS@stem does cost $3450.00 involved for submission, pages, or colors.

Transfer of Copyright Agreement

No article may be published without a copyright form that has been signed by the author. In most issues of the journal, a copy of the Publication Agreement can be found. On this website, the Copyright Transfer Agreement is also accessible. Only original papers will be accepted, and the Publisher will own the copyright for any articles that are published.

Change of Author Policy

If writers decide to alter their names after their work has been published, JASS@stem will update and republish the article and resend the revised information to indexing services. Our editorial and production teams will exercise caution when dealing with name changes that may be sensitive and private for a number of reasons, including (but not limited to) alignment with gender identity, or as a result of marriage, divorce, or religious conversion. As a result, we won’t publish a correction notice to the work or let the co-authors know about the change in order to safeguard the author’s anonymity. To seek a name change, authors can get in touch with the editorial office of the journal.

Obtaining Permission to Reproduce

To republish content that has previously appeared in another publication, the author must receive express consent from the publisher.


JASS@stem’s EarlyView service makes quick publication available through expedite service. Before being included in an issue, EarlyView (Online version of record) articles are published online. There is no way to modify an article after it has been published in EarlyView. The EarlyView article has a DOI, an online publication date, and is fully citable.

Policy for Self-Archiving

The submitted (pre-print) version of an article submitted to a JASS@stem journal may be self-archived at any time, and the accepted (peer-reviewed) version may be self-archived following an embargo period. For more information, please see our Self-Archiving Policy page or consult your Copyright Transfer Agreement.

Privacy Statement

Your name, email address, affiliation, and any other contact information you provide when submitting a manuscript to or reviewing for this publication will be used for the publication’s regular operations, including, if necessary, sharing with the publisher (JASS@stem) and partners for production and publication. The publication and publisher have policies in place to make sure that precautions are taken to maintain the security, integrity, and privacy of the personal data collected and processed.